“Love is what we were born with.
Fear is what we learned here.”
Still curious?
Academic articles regarding
the efficacy of EMDR:
what is emdr?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a powerful and effective therapy used in the treatment of trauma. EMDR therapy incorporates eye movements or other bilateral stimulation (BLS) into a comprehensive approach that processes and releases information trapped in the body, freeing clients from disturbing images and body sensations, unexplained reactivity, and debilitating emotions and restrictive beliefs.
what is Bilateral Stimulation?
Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) refers to a method that activates the brain alternately in each hemisphere (right and left) for more complete information processing. It is believed to closely resemble what happens in the brain naturally during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.
what is AF-EMDR?
AF-EMDR (Attachment-Focused Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) was developed by Laurel Parnell as a response to some of the deficits of traditional EMDR. AF-EMDR blends the use and benefits of EMDR, BLS, and talk therapy for use with clients who have been less responsive to traditional EMDR protocols due to acute or chronic trauma and attachment deficits, particularly based in childhood. Emphasizing the importance of the therapist-client relationship, Parnell states:“…as we are able to drop into a place of silence and really listen to our own quiet voice... relational healing takes place.”

how does EMDR target Stuckness?
Throughout our lives, we have experiences—good and bad— that have a lasting impact on us. Strong or negative memories can get biologically “trapped” or “frozen” in the body when they are unable to resolve naturally. These memories are implicit; they are memories we don't know we have. These memories can result in symptoms in the present that may cause difficulty in everyday functioning.
Traditional talk therapy can help us understand what in the past is connected to what is happening in the present. But it is not enough to have that intellectual or emotional understanding. We can make those connections with our "thinking brain," but we don’t necessarily feel any better. The body has its own memory. The body has its own language. The processing that occurs with EMDR helps make that connection in a more enduring body/mind way so as to release the stored emotional "charge" from the experience.
how long will I need EMDR treatment?
The number of sessions required depends upon the specific event or experience and the complexity of your history and your body's tolerance for the work. My philosophy is that we listen to your body. Your body will tell us when it feels safe and when does not.
That said, repeated controlled studies have shown that a single event trauma can often be processed within 3 sessions for 80-90% of participants.
In a controlled study, 80% of multiple civilian trauma victims no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) after approximately 6 hours of treatment. A study of combat veterans reported that after 12 sessions, 77% no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD.
However, as with any treatment modality, results will vary. Every Client experience is unique.
what happens in an EMDR session?
AF-EMDR therapists follow a modified 8-part EMDR protocol in which we document an extensive history and spend some time "resourcing" ––identifying things, actions, and qualities (real or imagined) that we can draw upon when we get stuck. Working together, we will identify a target or targets that feel "charged" with negative energy. Targets can include anything in the present or the past from a disturbing memory or image, a habit, a particular area of struggle, a persistent thought or feeling, a body sensation, etc. The goal is to gradually "activate" that target using BLS until it no longer feels activating.
the role of imagination
Imagination is a valuable asset in EMDR processing. In his book, The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk writes, "... imagination gives us the opportunity to envision new possibilities." Many people who are chronically "stuck" have difficulty imagining anything new, anything different. Part of our success will depend on the ability to tap into imagination.
a few important things to note:
It is not necessary to process every disturbing event one has ever experienced in order to reach relief and change. Some processing generalizes to other experiences.
Not all memories are accessible to us in the here and now: Some are pre-verbal. Some were too much for us to cope with as young children, so they’ve been locked away in the recesses of our memory systems. No worries! We have ways to process experiences and trauma without perfect memories.
Not everyone is a good candidate for EMDR. A thorough assessment will help to determine whether it is the right treatment for you.