“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone, but paradoxically, if we cannot trust,
neither can we find love or joy.”
—Walter Anderson
2 sessions ($400 prepaid + $35 for the Inventory)
In the initial session, we will review and verbalize strengths and "growth areas" in your relationship. Even the best relationships have both! So often, these things are never addressed out loud. During our first session, I will introduce you to the Prepare/ Enrich Inventory, an online assessment that you each do separately during that first week.
In the second session, we will review the results of the Inventory and talk in depth about what showed up on the assessment that you may or may not have expected. Then we will begin to review a few easy-to-implement tools that you can try together to help strengthen the relationship.
3-4 sessions
($175/each, minimum 3 sessions prepaid + $35 for the Inventory)
Includes the same first two sessions as in Package I. Additionally, the Inventory gives us an overview of personality styles and differences, family of origin issues, etc. so we can begin to target specific areas of interest and talk about ways to navigate those successfully.
Depending on the number of sessions you choose, we will review and discuss some of most common topics that typically come up—issues that can cause future conflict in a marriage if they aren't addressed ahead of time.
5-6 sessions
($150/each, minimum 6 sessions prepaid + $35 for the Inventory)
Includes the same schedule as the first 3-4 sessions in Package 2, but we will now focus on very specific and unique features of your relationship that have been difficult to resolve. Often these are the areas of "stuckness" in a relationship.
In these extended sessions, we will introduce additional relationship-focused exercises and skills that will help create a stronger and more resilient relationship.
premarital counseling
Your wedding... it's the beginning of something big. You found the love of your life and you're ready to start building your life together.
But have you asked the really big questions?
In premarital counseling, we are like gardeners. We check the root system of your relationship. We talk about feeding and caring for it, and create a plan that will help it grow healthier and stronger. Together, we start to ask the questions about married life that really matter.
Among other things, we'll look at relationship issues around:
intimacy, affection & sex
conflict resolution
children & parenting
role expectations
beliefs & values
dreams & goals
extended family relationships
New couples often find ways to avoid or minimize some of the topics that can make or break a relationship. Who wants to rock the boat, right? The thinking goes something like this:
"He will change his/her mind," or "I can change his/her mind."
"If we love each other, we can work anything out."
"If he/she really loved me, he/she would know what I want/need."
"Once we're married, he/she will be different."
"Once we have children, he/she will be different."
Love is certainly an essential ingredient to a long-term, happy relationship.
But love is never enough.
Together we will assess and use your relationship strengths to develop a vision for your growing relationship. We will look at your unique priorities as a couple and how that might change as you grow together. We will consider the effects of family of origin issues, understand and appreciate personality differences, and understand personal, couple and family beliefs and values and how to interweave them into your new family. You will learn to communicate in a safe and respectful way that will help you have difficult conversations with confidence and love.
Premarital Counseling is not therapy.
This is relationship education meant to be a tool throughout your relationship... even when the going gets tough. And it will. Because life does that. Premarital counseling provides skills and tools to build a strong foundation for your relationship so you can face anything together.
Design your own program.
Choose from one of the 3 pre-packaged programs to the left, or participate on a session by session basis, whichever works best for your relationship.

Package pricing requires a signed commitment and each package requires payment in advance. Additional sessions may be added at any time at the rate based on the original package rate. After purchasing a package, the original package session rate is valid to the couple for life.
*depending on the plan chosen and your individual needs, time constraints may limit the extent of information we can cover face-to-face. At session 1 or 2, couples will review and take home their own customized report that includes additional resources that can be implemented or researched at home.